Using RAPID: Publishing Guidelines

NHERI RAPID Facility: DesignSafe Data Publishing Guidelines

Revision Date: August 30, 2023

The following steps outline the processes and responsibilities involved in publishing RAPID-supported field reconnaissance data.

1. Project Creation

The RAPID Facility or reconnaissance team creates a Project within the DesignSafe Data Depot. Members of the reconnaissance team are added to the project as team members so they can upload and download files from the project.  

2. Data Upload

  • The RAPID facility uploads raw data collected by their instrumentation to a DesignSafe Project, which is created for the reconnaissance activities. 

  • RApp data collected by reconnaissance team members is automatically uploaded to the DesignSafe Project, given a stable Wi-Fi connection.

  • The reconnaissance dataset within the Data Depot should include not only data collected with RAPID resources, but also other observations/data compiled by the reconnaissance team.

3. Curation

The RAPID Facility and reconnaissance team organizes and curates its data within the Project using the Field Research data model. The RAPID Facility’s recommended curation structure is outlined in the RAPID Facility Data Curation and Publication Guide. Users can also consult the DesignSafe Curation and Publication Guides for additional help.

4. Publication

Once curation is complete, the reconnaissance team is responsible for publishing the Project data through DesignSafe. Published data is accessible in the Published tab of the Data Depot and can be cited with an automatically generated digital object identifier (DOI). If data was collected or developed using RAPID equipment and/or resources, the publication MUST acknowledge the facility and NSF support as described in the RAPID user agreement. Field reconnaissance datasets should ideally be published within 3 to 6 months of returning from the field.